Because men need cuddles too.
“People often don’t realize how men are experiencing a lack of intimacy and the only place they can get intimacy is through sex. We’ve created a society where men are so scared to be vulnerable with each other, to care for each other, to love each other…”
Cuddle Therapy For Men.
Men need touch too, and Dr. Cuddles is here to help.
Dr. Cuddles is a professional cuddle service for men who may be touch- or affection-deprived, including those with depression, loneliness, and intimacy issues. One of the most intimate ways to connect with another person is through non-sexual touch (cuddling), which can help reduce depression and loneliness, PTSD, and trauma symptoms. You do not need a doctor’s note to receive cuddles.
Certified Touch and Cuddle Therapist Trevor James offers the benefits of touch and cuddles without the pressure of sex or romance, to men who want physical intimacy or affection.
Dr. Cuddles is open to all men, regardless of sexual orientations, and relationship configurations. You can experience the power of touch by booking a session with Dr. Cuddles, Trevor James.
For the man who wants touch and connection.
Cuddle therapy to find relief.
Touch deprivation is a very real thing, and we know just how to fix it. Cuddles are the ultimate pick-me-up. Nothing beats a hug and a cuddle to relieve loneliness, stress, and depression. Dr. Cuddles offers cuddle therapy as a supplementary treatment modality and also provide the intimacy and connection that men might be missing in their lives. Find relief from all your troubles with Dr. Cuddles’ touch therapy services.
Cuddles for your immune system.
Did you know that touch is a fundamental human need? It’s true. Without it, we can suffer from mental and physical ailments—including depression and loneliness. Receiving the human touch can be a simple, powerful way to improve immunity and reduce stress. A 10-minute cuddle session may give you an immune boost, reduce your cortisol levels, or help with depression or loneliness.
Cuddle therapy helps you feel more content.
You've heard the saying "laughter is the best medicine"? Well, we'd say touch is a close second! If you're feeling down or just need some TLC, come on in for a cuddle therapy session. We'll help you feel more content and less stressed. Get your weekly Dr. Cuddles session and walk away feeling better, more content, and more in touch with your emotional needs.
I hold a safe space for you to just be you. Or just be.
I promise to hold space for you to just be, the whole you. No expectations, no pressure, no judgement. It’s a place to let go of the outside world and come back to yourself. I will listen to you with the intent to understand you, and not try to fix or advise you. I will allow you to feel without shame. I will sit with you in your darkness without fear or hesitation. I will accept you as you are right now, in this moment.
Improve your physiological and mental health.
The human body is wired for touch and affection; it's essential for the human condition. Too many men are starved for this kind of affection, and that can have serious wellness consequences. Introduce more touch and affection into your life with a cuddle session.
“Trevor helped me find touch and affection again. In our cuddle sessions, I felt loved and accepted without judgment, even if just for the moment. I always left feeling lighter and more content with life...”
— George H.